Hight Quality IWC Aquatimer Replica - Royal Oak Offshore Michael Schumacher Limited edition Watches

IWC Aquatimer Replica

Octavio Garcia (F1 legend) and the AP's main artist designer created three spectacular series of Royal Oak Offshore Michael Schumacher watches. These bold chronographs are made in titanium (1000 pieces), rose-gold (500 pieces), or platinum (100 pieces). They represent sport elegance at its best.

IWC Aquatimer Replica Royal Oak Offshore Michael Schumacher Platinum Watch Front

Michael Schumacher, who has won seven world championships in a row, is widely recognized as one the most outstanding F1 drivers of all time. This remarkable German driver holds a number of F1 records including race wins (91),Replica watches fastest laps in one Grand Prix (76), pole positions (68) and points scored. He also holds the record for most races won in a single year (13 in 2004). IWC Aquatimer Replica signed Schumacher as the brand's ambassador two years ago. They also announced limited editions in perspective. The day has finally come, and the Swiss watchmaker presents three limited editions of the Royal Oak Offshore Michael Schumacher chronographs.

Michael Schumacher wearing an IWC Aquatimer Replica Watch

Many elements that reflect the racing spirit of this edition have been used smartly to pay tribute to the King Of Formula 1 Racing and his amazing carrier. While keeping the iconic design of the Royal Oak Offshore watches, they are also kept. Seven stars are used to represent Shumacher's number of world champion titles.IWC Aquatimer Replica They are incorporated on an anthracite inner ring with the tachymeter scale. Two blue stars represent titles that F1 legend, Michael Schumacher, won while racing for Benetton (1994-1995). Five red stars signify Shumacher's Ferrari era.

Detail of IWC Aquatimer Replica Royal Oak Offshore Michael Schumacher platinum Watch Dial

Cool "checkered flag" patterns are used to decorate the dial's minute track. A new design is used for the hour and minute hands in faceted gold. It's reminiscent of the monocoque construction on a F1 Car. The crown is a symbol of a gear wheel. A very cool case-back represents wheel spokes. The watch's red accents look very impressive. These accents are subtle but they add a lot to the overall impression of harmony and good taste. Apart from five stars,rolex day date replica the black surface also has a date numeral that is red. There are also chrono hands accented on rectangular chronograph pushers, and an aluminum inlay in crown.